Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16th
RSA public holiday 
Youth Day Celebration

I get very emotional when i reflect on the past. What the youth of that time had to go through in schools to get an education. The youth of 1976 took a stand against the apartheid law which forced all scholahers to learn their subjects in Afrikaans. I am forever indebted to their struggle and very grateful to their courage and the hope that they had burning inside them. 

Fast forward to today's youth- 2015. I have seen and learned that there's a struggle in every era. Today's struggle as i see it is Financial freedom. There are too many rules and regulations binding the youth into getting into debt. I believe in a debt free society. I feel that in today's times, the youth gets more sucked up into wanting materialistic things. We have lost focus. We forget why we go to school, instead of using the money that our parents work hard for towards study material, we choose to use it for alcohol, parties, buying clothes and latest gadgets. Our youth is not focused. If ever there is lack at home, we get ourselves into trouble by looking for alternative ways to make money in order to feed our "never satisfied lifestyle". We get involved in drugs, money laundering, sex, and all other nonsense ways our parents no nothing about.

I say we- because I was once that naive young student. I've grown older and mature now but not perfect. I have fallen into a category of career building individuals whom feel the heat of not being satisfied with the level they are at within their careers. A group of young people searching for ways to become successful- i'm talking money makers, dream chasers. On that process of wanting more, we still need to live and maintain certain lifestyles that put us out there. They say fake it till you make it at this age group, the pressure is on. We then fall into a trap of maintenance, saving is the hardest thing on earth with that sale at Zara or latest addition at Top Shop. Need I mention that bargain on men's watches at Amazon.com 

Our struggle today is Financial Freedom, with all the hustle and bustle in today's world. Latest technology, fashion on fleek, social media trends. It is a real struggle to keep up. Getting a credit card has become a necessity. And more and more young people in our society end up engaging in morally incorrect ways in order to keep up with the Kardeshians- including myself.